DXpedition 2023

14.02.2023, 4:05h am CET

As per Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA. The 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition is QRT as of 14 FEB 2023 03:00 UTC.
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

12.02.2023, 7:21h pm CET

From 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA - 12 FEB 2023 18:20 UTC
“3Y0J will go QRT Monday at 12:00 to 15:00 UTC when we run out of fuel. We will start taking down the camp on Monday and transport the last equipment on Tuesday. There is another 60 knot storm coming this weekend. We have a wx window on Tuesday we will utilize now to return.” 73, Ken
Additional information: The 3Y0J log has been uploaded. However, FT8 QSOs did not upload. They will be uploaded when the laptops get back to the boat from the island. QSL manager Charles M0OXO says, “Its already on Clublog and those who donated over $350 will also have recieved their LOTW.”
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

10.02.2023, 00:17h am CET

The 3Y0J Team is approaching the 7,000 QSO mark and continues to operate through the ongoing storm. They had a good night sleep. Last night 30m FT8 received great signals from JA and NA West coast. Unfortunately, some callers were not using Fox/Hound. Their QSOs were not logged. As stated previously, please remember that on FT8 mode 3Y0J will always be Fox/Hound. The weather in Bouvet was sunny skies and winds around 40 knots. We will continue to operate weather permitting. The 3Y0J Team wishes to thank the Amateur Radio community for their support.
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

08.02.2023, 01:00h pm CET

Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE - First QSOs have been made:
07.02.2023, 11:20h am CET

Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA has informed me that the 3Y0J Team has secured the campsite. They had a good night there last night. They will be running one station at night and two stations during the day. They will operate bands from 12m-30m. If you see a spot outside of those bands it’s a pirate. We will be operating CW & SSB at this time. Watch the DX Cluster for QSY information. If you already have Bouvet in your log please standby and let those operators who need Bouvet for an ATNO work us. There is a storm coming on Thursday that may affect operations. Please continue to watch for updates here.
3Y0J team, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 05.02.2023, 10:17h am CET
During the weekend the 3Y0J team has adjusted our plans. We are currently preparing this Sunday morning to land essential supplies to survive on the island, and build the camp to manage the upcoming storm predicted for Thursday. In addition, we will attempt to land radio equipment in a difficult operation during the most favorable time slots. This landing depends on the conditions at Bouvet which have proven to be very difficult. The setup is a small scale setup that, if we succeed, will possibly be extended. More info later.
3Y0J team, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 03.02.2023, 04:54h am CET
The 3Y0J Team is very busy working in very extreme and difficult conditions to transfer all the equipment and supplies from Marama to Bouvet Island. The materials must then be carried or hoisted up to their campsite at a higher elevation. The Starlink internet terminal has been disconnected. Internet communications with team members will not be possible again until the camp is established and Starlink set up. Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA has asked that we be patient while they work. The satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose. Thank you for your understanding.
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 31.01.2023, 07:58h pm CET
In today’s 17:00 UTC Satellite Radio call 3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA announced that he and members of the 3Y0J Team have landed on Bouvet Island with a zodiac in very difficult conditions. He tells us that he had to swim for ten meters but his clothing stayed dry. All team members are OK and in good condition. They will head back to the boat at sunset. This is incredible news!
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 30.01.2023, 10:04h pm CET
3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA reports, “We are at Bouvet. We arrive in one hour. Wx forecast is not too good. There is a 24h wx window on Tuesday noon until Wednesday noon. It is foggy and difficult conditions with high winds. We will assess the situation tomorrow morning at 04:00 local time. If conditions are ok we might attempt to land. But this is not going to be easy. Otherwise we have to wait until Thursday or Friday.” The 3Y0J Team is receiving Starlink Internet Service at this time. Thank you Elon Musk!
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 23.01.2023, 09:50h pm CET
3Y0J Bouvet Island News Update: Originally 3Y0J announced that there would be no /MM operation on the way to Bouvet. Well a few days sitting on a sailboat with no HF radio to operate can change your mind. SURPRISE! Today at around 19:23 UTC the callsign LA7GIA/MM was heard on 14.018 CW from the Marama. 3Y0J Team Member Adrian KO8SCA told me a few minutes later that four different operators from the team had operated at that point. Adrian confirmed they are all using their own calls/MM. Have fun working them.
LB5GI/MM was QRV 14.265 SSB at 21:30 UTC. The first of the /MM in my log. Nice signal to NY.
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 20.01.2023, 11:25h am CET
Updated the weather coordinates: click here.
WiMo Team

UPDATE: 20.01.2023, 04:22h am CET
[...]The Marama continues to make steady progress towards Bouvet. The boat’s speed has been anywhere from 7-9 mph. Unfortunately they are no longer receiving Starlink internet service and they don’t know if or when they will be able to receive it again during travel. We still have two other means of communication with the team including the Icom Satellite Radios.[...]
Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 19.01.2023, 1:43h pm CET
Weather looks good for now! We updated the weather coordinates in "Windy". Click here for the live view.
Is anybody else getting excited?
WiMo Team

UPDATE: 17.01.2023, 6:26h pm CET
The anchor was up at 17:15 UTC today. It’s time to sail to Bouvet! Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

UPDATE: 17.01.2023, 05:20h am CET
3Y0J Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA says, “Technically speaking we have departed Stanley as the ropes came off at 22:56 local time (01:56 UTC). We will stay anchored and then continue to Bouvet tomorrow. Wx forecast is 4 days with calm seas to South Georgia.”
73, Ken
Today was a busy day for the 3Y0J Team. The much awaited RAF flight came into RAF Mount Pleasant Base. All the missing bags and cases arrived and were accounted for. They were picked up and delivered to the boat by VP8 ham friends Sally and Chris along with their friend Kenny Laurie. They arrived at Marama with the precious cargo at 8:00pm. Sally is on a work assignment at Mount Pleasant Base and managed to work the ranks to get our gear. The team had a safety briefing with Captain Oliver and Peter. Earlier Oliver and Nina brought the team’s passports into town to the Customs Office and the team was cleared for departure. There was also some last minute shopping for some more supplies. Now that the team has left Camber Dock, and will be departing Port Stanley Harbor for Bouvet Island in the morning, once again here is the link where you can follow the team by GPS.
To the 3Y0J Team and the Crew of Marama:
We wish you fair winds and following sea. Have a great adventure and come home safely.

Steve N2AJ, Quelle: Facebook

Falls es jemand noch nicht mitbekommen hat: Die Bouvet Island DXpedition 3YØJ hat begonnen! Am 11. Januar startete das Team von Brize Norton aus mit einem RAF-Militärflug nach Port Stanley (Falklands), wo man am Abend des 12. Januar ankam. Dort verbrachte das Team 2 Tage mit den Vorbereitungen und nahm u.a. an einem Sicherheitskurs teil. Am 15. Januar um 19 Uhr Ortszeit teilte der Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA mit: „Die letzten Ausrüstungsgegenstände sind an Bord, nun geht es bald los“.

Die Weiterreise mit dem Schiff ist für den 16. Januar vorgesehen. Das Team wird voraussichtlich 11 bis 14 Tage später auf Bouvetøya ankommen, so dass das Team je nach Wetterbedingungen Ende Januar für einen 22-tägigen Betrieb QRV (on the air) sein wird.

Die DXpedition 3YØJ ist eine geplante Amateurfunk-Expedition zur Bouvetinsel, einer abgelegenen, unbewohnten Insel im Südatlantik. Ziel der Expedition ist es, mit möglichst vielen Funkamateuren auf der ganzen Welt in Kontakt zu treten und Bouvet Island als seltenen und begehrten Ort zu aktivieren. Die Expedition wird von einem Team erfahrener Funkamateure organisiert, die auf der Insel mehrere Funkstationen einrichten und verschiedene Betriebsarten wie Sprach-, Digital- und Morse- und Bildübertragungen nutzen werden, um mit anderen Funkamateuren auf der ganzen Welt zu kommunizieren. Das Team wird auch Solarenergie für die Energieversorgung nutzen.

Tracker zur 3YØJ DXpedition

Das außergewöhnliche Abenteuer wird mit der MARAMA, einer Segelyacht, erfolgen. Begleitet wird das Team von der Crew Rund um Olivier LEHEC. Verfolgen Sie die DXpedition 2023 live mit WiMo! Wir werden versuchen Sie über alle Neuigkeiten auf dem Laufenden zu halten.

Verfolgen Sie das 3YØJ Wetter live!

Das Wetter auf der Insel Bouvet und in den umliegenden Gewässern ist extrem rau und unberechenbar und kann sich schnell ändern. Starke Winde, hohe Wellen und schwere Stürme sind an der Tagesordnung und können es schwierig oder sogar unmöglich machen, auf der Insel zu landen oder ein Boot in der Gegend sicher zu betreiben. Außerdem liegt die Insel in einem abgelegenen, unwirtlichen Teil des Südpolarmeeres, so dass es schwierig ist, im Notfall Hilfe zu erhalten. Aus diesen Gründen ist es für das Team der DXpedition 3YØJ wichtig, die Wetterbedingungen genau zu beobachten und detaillierte Pläne für den Umgang mit möglichen wetterbedingten Problemen während der Expedition zu haben.

WiMo Antennen gesponsert für die DXpedition 2023

InnovAntenna 1712DUO

Mit dabei ist die InnovAntenna 1712DUO. Eine sehr kompakte Yagi-Antenne für die 17- und 12m-WARC Bänder (18 und 24 MHz) und eine der neuesten Konstruktionen von G0KSC.

Die Dualband Yagis für 17 und 12m wurden mit moderner Software berechnet und dann von Hand optimiert. Dadurch erreicht der Konstrukteur Justin, G0KSC einen guten Gewinn und eine sehr gute Robustheit, um auch bei widrigen Wetterverhältnissen zuverlässige Leistung bieten zu können.

InnovAntenna XR3-Yagi

Die XR-Yagis von InnovAntennas sind die idealen Antennen für alle Funkamateure, die die klassichen Kurzwellenbänder (XR3) ebenso wie die WARC-Bänder (XR5, XR6) genießen möchten.

Durch die Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien und einer über viele Jahre optimierten, robusten Konstruktion ist die Antenne auch für den Einsatz unter erschwerten Bedingungen - wie zum Beispiel an der Küste - geeignet.

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