HF Antennas - Largest Selection with High Availability

Because of the properties of the ionosphere, short wave enables worldwide communication - if you have the right antenna. No matter if directional antenna, a wire dipole or a vertical antenna - each design offers its own advantages and disadvantages. To find the right product for your own situation is not always easy. WiMo helps you with its many years of experience in amateur radio and marine radio.

Items 21-30 of 473

  1. Diamond CP-6SR 6 Band Vertical 6/10/15/20/40/80m R2
    Diamond CP-6SR 6 Band Vertical 6/10/15/20/40/80m R2

    Multiband HF vertical antenna with radials, for operation without tuner on the specified bands. Contains the optional "R2" radial for operation on 80m SSB.

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

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    incl. VAT, plus shipping €414.20
    SKU 11225.SR
  2. Buddipole Shockcord Mast, 240 or 330cm
    Buddipole Shockcord Mast, 240 or 330cm

    Buddipole portable aluminum masts, short or long version

    Availability unknown

    As low as: €125.90
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €105.80
    In stock
  3. Mag. Loop 'Stealth' 40 - 10 m
    User report
    Mag. Loop 'Stealth' 40 - 10 m

    Ciro Mazzoni Stealth Loop (6.6-29.7MHz) with ATU 2

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

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    incl. VAT, plus shipping €1,192.44
    SKU 11252
  4. InnovAntennas Dualband 10m/6m Yagi Antennas
    InnovAntennas Dualband 10m/6m Yagi Antennas

    Compact dual-band Yagis for 6m and 10m, only one antenna cable, max. 3000 Watt.

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

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    As low as: €439.00
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €368.91
  5. Hari Zepp Dipole (Doublet)
    Hari Zepp Dipole (Doublet)

    Classic lambda/2 dipole antenna for balanced feed, without coils, blocking circuits or balun, for multiple bands.

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

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    As low as: €35.00
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €29.41
  6. Ultrabeam 6 Band Beam UB-20MX, 3/2 El. Moxon
    Ultrabeam 6 Band Beam UB-20MX, 3/2 El. Moxon

    Only 2.9 m short 3-element directional antenna for 6, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 m, with controller

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

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    incl. VAT, plus shipping €2,786.55
    SKU 12212
  7. Ultrabeam UB-V40 8 Band Vertical, 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40m
    Ultrabeam UB-V40 8 Band Vertical, 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40m

    Multiband HF vertical antenna with motorized tuning and touch-screen controller. Suitable for DX.

    Available in 3 days

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    incl. VAT, plus shipping €1,340.34
    SKU 12230
  8. Ultrabeam 6 Band Beam 6-20m
    Ultrabeam 6 Band Beam 6-20m

    Ultrabeam 2/3/4-Elem. Yagi 6–20m, RCU-06, 30m Cable

    Available in 3 days

    View accessories
    As low as: €2,065.00
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €1,735.29
  9. ZX-Yagi Mini-2000 3 Band/3 Elem. 10-15-20 m
    ZX-Yagi Mini-2000 3 Band/3 Elem. 10-15-20 m

    Mini-2000 3-element mini-beam for 10/15/20m, only 2.6m turning radius.

    In stock, shipped in 2 to 3 days

    incl. VAT, plus shipping €553.78
    SKU 11695
  10. Hy-Gain AV-680  9 Band Vertical, 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80m
    Hy-Gain AV-680 9 Band Vertical, 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80m

    Innovative HF/50MHz multiband antenna (incl. 40m/80m). No radials required, each band individually adjustable

    No longer available

    View accessories
    incl. VAT, plus shipping €823.45
    In stock
    SKU 11288

Items 21-30 of 473



What antenna length do I need for which frequency?
The required antenna length for a specific frequency in amateur radio depends on the wavelength of the frequency to be received or transmitted. A rule of thumb is that for optimal transmission the antenna should be half the wavelength of the frequency (λ/2), and at the feed point this length should be divided by 2 so each side should measure (λ/4). To calculate the wavelength, one must divide the speed of light (approximately 300 million meters per second) by the frequency in hertz. The result gives the wavelength in meters. To get a quarter of the wavelength, divide this value by four. For example, for the frequency of 145 MHz (2 meter band) you need an antenna of about 0.5 meters because the wavelength is about 2 meters (300/145 = 2.07, then 2.07/4 ≈ 0 ,5).
Rodrigo "Rod" Herrera
What does impedance mean for antennas?
Antenna impedance refers to the resistance that the antenna presents to alternating current at its frequency and is a measure of the relationship between voltage and current at a particular point on the antenna. It is expressed in ohms. A good impedance match between the antenna and the connected radio transmitter or receiver is crucial to ensure effective transmission and the best possible reception, as it minimizes power losses. Common impedance values are 50 ohms for coaxial cable connections.
Rodrigo "Rod" Herrera
What is meant by half the wavelength of an antenna?
An antenna's half wavelength, also known as a half wave dipole, refers to an antenna whose length corresponds in a certain way to the frequency of the signal to be transmitted or received. Specifically, the antenna is as long as half the wavelength of the signal in free space. This sizing allows the antenna to be resonant at the appropriate frequency, providing maximum efficiency when transmitting or receiving radio waves. The physical length of the antenna is important to its tuning and its ability to effectively use specific frequencies.
Rodrigo "Rod" Herrera