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When buying technical devices, it is important to make the right decision so that they meet your needs and requirements. A detailed comparison of the technical data can help you make the right choice. The most important features of the ICOM IC-7300 and Yaesu FT-710 are compared below.
At the recent Hamvention in Dayton, USA, ICOM presented a sneak preview of its new radio, currently referred to internally as “Project X60”...
As a newcomer to amateur radio, have you heard the following quotes, such as "A good antenna is the best high-frequency amplifier" and "Every meter of antenna height counts"? If so, then you have probably given some thought to your future or existing antenna system. The antenna height, i.e. ultimately the height of the antenna mast, is used to overcome radiation obstacles. The flatter radiation angle thanks to bigger height favors DX connections. The antenna protrudes the local interference fog near the earth, which improves reception.
The Irish Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (IRTS) held its 91st Annual General Meeting weekend on 13 and 14 April 2024. The Shannon Basin Radio Club hosted the event for the second year running and was able to count on the support of the WiMo company, which sponsored two high-quality prizes for the raffle...
When buying technical devices, it is crucial to make the right decision in order to fulfill your needs and requirements. A detailed comparison of the technical data can help you make the right choice. The most important features of the ICOM IC-705 and Xiegu X6200 are compared below.
Have you ever been surprised to find that your car radio or so-called kitchen radio plays a multilingual babble of music and voices in the FM range instead of the usual local radio, which almost pushes your favorite station that's otherwise always easy to receive to one side? Then it could be that this is due to overreach by Sporadic E.
Hello from Herxheim.
As you may have already heard (the news reached us via MFJ's social media channels on April 25), MFJ will cease production of products manufactured in the USA on May 17, 2024. This includes the Ameritron, Hygain, Cushcraft, Mirage and Vectronics brands.
...When buying technical devices, it is crucial to make the right decision in order to fulfill your needs and requirements. A detailed comparison of the technical data can help you make the right choice. The most important features of the Yaesu FT-991A and Yaesu FT-10DX are compared below.
When buying technical devices, it is crucial to make the right decision in order to fulfill your needs and requirements. A detailed comparison of the technical data can help you make the right choice. The most important features of the ICOM IC-705 and Xiegu X6100
Knowledge & Guides
Customer reports
Test report TH-D75E
by Ekki
Field report Ikos Impulse
by WiMo
Test report Alexloop QRP operation
by Wilfried
Product comparison
FT-818 vs FT3D
by Ivan
Test report CS-818
by Marco
Test report CHA-TDL
by Markus
SWAINS DXpedition W8S
by Ronald Stuy
Radio adventure in Croatia
by Franco
Radio on vacation - Perpignan and the Pryrenees
by Ekki Plicht
Stealth Loop antenna under test
by Zdenek, OK1CIG
Mosley Minibeam under test
by Thorsten, DJ7ZZ
Diamond CP-5HS antenna under test
by Gabor, HA3MGA
Radio on Langeoog
by DF2DD
Fieldtest of DX-Patrol Groundstation
Send us your customer reports
by WiMo
Delta-11 Loop test report
by Ludwig
MC-750 antenna test report
by Marco
Test report about the MIDI LOOP by Ciro Mazzoni
by Christian Reimesch
Radio on vacation - by bike through Sicily
by Ekki Plicht
Radio on vacation, Yaesu FT817 from Crete
by Brian
On air on vacation
by Helmut
On air on FanØ
by Bernd
Ham radio remote: Argentina & Germany
by Ivan
Vorstellung der ICOM IC-PW2 Endstufe.
ANYTONE AT-6666PRO HF 10M FUNKGERÄT PERFEKT AUCH FÜR N-LIZENZ. #funkamateur #hamradio #amateurfunk
ICOM ID-52 PLUS 60th Anniversary unboxing. #amateurfunk #hamradio #icom52plus
Breaking News: HAMtastic 2024 beginnt morgen! Nicht verpassen!
Entdecke die Freiheit: WiMo Stromwandler für unabhängige Energieversorgung!
Entdecke die Freiheit: WiMo Stromwandler für unabhängige Energieversorgung!
Discover freedom: WiMo current transformer for independent energy supply!
Discover freedom: WiMo current transformer for independent energy supply!
TH-D75E Vorstellung, Test KW-Empfänger, Test Bluetooth, Vergleich mit TH-D74 uvm.
IKOS IMPULSE 3D Phaseshifter für besseres Audio
IKOS IMPULSE Cambiamento di fase 3D per un audio migliore
IKOS IMPULSE Déphaseur 3D pour un meilleur son
IKOS IMPULSE Ikos Impulse - 3D phase shifter for better audio experience
IKOS IMPULSE Desfasador 3D para mejorar la recepción en onda corta y SSB
Shackmaster 500 von RigExpert - Neu bei WiMo
Questions for an amateur radio operator - Ivan Leitner, LU8MIL
Questions à un radioamateur - Ekkehard Plicht, DF4OR
Preguntas a un radioaficionado - Ivan Leitner, LU8MIL
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