Questions & Answers
Do I need radials for a vertical antenna?
There are certain vertical antennas that do not require radials. These are, for example, vertical dipoles like the antennas from the manufacturer GAP. For many other vertical antennas, radials are an important component to provide an efficient electrical counterbalance. This counterweight represents the second side of the dipole, it enables a flat and complete radiation of the HF energy. Without radials, certain designs of the vertical antenna cannot function properly because they are part of the antenna system and help, without radials the antenna would have the wrong impedance . Especially for ungrounded vertical antennas, radials are essential to create a ground equivalent that ensures good matching (low standing wave ratio (SWR)) and efficient radiation of the signal. In short, if your vertical antenna is designed to use radials, then these should also be installed for optimal results.
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