Questions & Answers
How much longer will FM be around?
The future and availability of VHF (Ultra Short Wave) varies from country to country and is subject to change based on regulatory decisions and technological developments. In many countries there are plans to replace FM radio broadcasts with digital alternatives such as DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) in the long term. However, there are currently no fixed worldwide switch-off dates for FM. Amateur radio operators continue to use VHF frequencies for local and regional radio communications and this is not expected to change in the near future. Users should still keep an eye on local developments and government announcements to stay informed about possible changes in the amateur radio band.
2 more Opinion(s)
Charm That Will Never Be Matched
I find old radio all of the time in the trash on Long Island like in town of Hempstead, Town of oyster bay, Town of Harrison NY, Town of Babylon NY, Town of smithtown NY and any fm switch off would ruin my childhood of trash picking and I’ve been finding them since I was 12 with dad and now I’m almost 20 and the years go on. You will leave many people in the dark worse than the analog TV switch off which was before my time but I once found one and got one signal and threw it away now there is no low power stations which doesn’t bother me because I’ve never watched an analog tv because I find more radios than portable TVs but I always find TVs but they are home ones. Please don’t switch from digital 1.0 to 3.0 I think you should leave both because I find little lcd and plasma and led tvs that don’t have it and you need to pay full price for a brand new tv after 2027 which will hurt me double. It would be sad to never being able to use older digital TVs and fm radios not dab+ it’s really sad what this country is coming to. I can’t live in a society with all of these switch overs so please don’t switch at least in the u.s. I know the fcc can’t change other countries but Norway is the only country that switched. Don’t ruin nationwide tv. Why did you shut down analog tv in Alaska which rural area there needed it still since it travels further. Why leave SOOOO many people in the dark another decade huh?
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