Freight charges
You can estimate your individual shipping costs in the shopping cart. To do so, put the desired items into your shopping cart and click on the shopping cart-icon on "View cart". There you can estimate your shipping costs under "Summary". Please enter the delivery country and the zip code of your delivery address. The estimated shipping costs will then be displayed. Most shipments are sent with DPD, GLS or DHL (= German 'Post'). Longer or heavier goods are sent either with Fedex, UPS or a forwarding agency. We can also deliver the goods to you by express. Please contact us if you wish to have express delivery. If your delivery includes several packages with different possible delivery dates, we can offer you partial deliveries. In these cases we will contact you before delivery and arrange the desired shipping method with you. We always leave the decision of the logistics service provider to you. For this purpose we have integrated an automatic shipping cost calculation in the online shop: Enter your delivery address in the first step of the check-out process or create your personal customer account. You can also create different delivery addresses in your personal customer account. Afterwards, the shipping costs are calculated automatically. The calculation refers to product parameters such as weight, height and length and the distance to the specified delivery address.

Destination in Germany | Destination outside Germany | |
Small items up to a max. value of 50 Euro | 4,80 Euro | from 6,00 Euro and more, depending on destination country and weight |
Packet up to 120cm length, up to 10kg weight | 8,00 Euro | 12,00 Euro and more, depending on destination country and weight |
Length surcharges for packets from 120cm to 200cm length | + 6,50 Euro | Highly variable shipping cost, depending on destination country and weight |
Length surcharge fpr packets from 200cm to 260cm length | + 20,00 Euro | Highly variable shipping cost, depending on destination country and weight |
Large items (Masts, beams etc.) | Transport by special freigth forwarder, cost will be calculated individually |
Transport by special freigth forwarder, cost will be calculated individually |
Additional fees: Product prices are shown as gross prices with VAT and as net prices without VAT. The legally valid "VAT" is taken as a basis. For high-priced products over 1.000 € value of goods we estimate a transport insurance of 0,5% of the value of goods. Also, depending on the country of delivery, an export processing fee of an additional 35 € may be charged.