The bhi Ground Breaker interrupts the galvanic connection between different audio devices, for example the radio and a bhi noise filter. Thus, hum loops caused by different voltage sources are effectively suppressed.
These items are known as 'current filters' from older TV receiving systems. They separate the galvanic connection in the antenna cable in order, for example, to separate poorly grounded antenna systems from the TV and thus prevent humming. The same is done by the bhi Ground Breaker. As soon as a computer comes into play in the amateur radio system - for example with data modes like FT-8 - it becomes problematic. The computer has its own power supply whose ground connection is often not clearly defined. As soon as another audio device (active loudspeaker, sound card interface, filter, etc.) is added, a ground loop can occur, which expresses itself through an unpleasant and permanent humming. If the ground connection is galvanically interrupted, the hum is gone. Signals are nevertheless transmitted without interference due to the coupling of the separation point with suitable components.
A bhi Ground Breaker is very easy to use - simply loop it into the cable. The device is equipped with a 3.5mm socket and a cable (approx. 50cm) with 3.5mm plug. Depending on the model the connection is mono or stereo. The ground breaker is simply inserted into the affected cable. The operating direction does not matter.
To account for a wide range of audio systems, there are the bhi Ground Breaker in different impedances. The version with 10 kOhm impedance is suitable for most "Line In/Out" connections, as they are used with computer sound cards and the bhi NF products. 600 Ω systems are mostly found in the phone area, some transceivers have 'Phone Patch' inputs with this impedance. The 8 Ω Ground Breakers are used where low impedance systems like headphones can be connected. Note, however, that the ground breakers are not designed for high power, they transmit max. 100 mW at 10 kΩ and 600 Ω, and max. 500 mW at 8 Ω. This means you can't use the Ground Breaker to transfer the power of an amplifier to 8 Ohm speakers!
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