Route description
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For the car navigation
76863 Herxheim bei Landau (not 'Herxheim am Berg', that's another village)
Street 'Am Gäxwald', or 'Am Kleinwald'
Locator: JN49CD
Geogr. coordinates: (WGS 84)
Latitude: N 49° 08′ 27′
Longitude: E 8° 14′ 16′
Approach from North (Frankfurt/M.)
- Follow motorway A5 direction South (Darmstadt)
- At Darmstadt intersection follow A67 (Attention: permanent speed controls)
- At first Viernheim intersection (Viernheimer DREIECK) continue on A67 straight on
- At second Viernheim intersection (Viernheimer KREUZ) continue staight on, the A67 becomes A6
- At Hockenheim intersection turn off A6 and follow A61 direction Speyer
- Ar Speyer intersection (just after crossing river Rhein) turn off A61 and follow B9 direction Germersheim
- Leave B9 at exit Herxheim pass through Ruelzheim and Herxheimerweyer, always following direction Herxheim
- At easterly entrance to Herxheim, turn left at Volkswagen dealer direction "Industriegebiet"
- Turn left into road "Am Gäxwald"
- Look for the large antenna towers...
Approach from West (Saarbrücken)
- Follow motorway A6 direction Mannheim
- At Frankenthal intersection turn south onto A61
- At Mutterstadt intersection turn west onto A65
- At exit Insheim (south of Landau) leave A65
- Follow road direction Herxheim
- At the first roundabout (Furniture store "Weber") go straight direction Herxheim
- At second roundabout turn right on southern ring road
- At third roundabout (furniture store "Gilb") go straight on and pass sports arena (Waldstation)
- After 2km the road takes a left turn, follow this until you come to an intersection, turn right into "Am Gäxwald"
- Look for the large antenna towers...
Approach from South (München, Basel)
- Follow motorway A5 direction Karlsruhe
- South of Karlsruhe turn onto B10 direction Landau
- Cross river Rhein, the B10 becomes A65
- Leave A65 at exit Kandel Nord, direction Herxheim
- Follow small road through Erlenbach and Hayna
- At roundabout (furniture store "Gilb") turn right and pass sports arena (Waldstation)
- After 2km the road takes a left turn, follow this until you come to an intersection, turn right into "Am Gäxwald"
- Look for the large antenna towers...
Approach from East (Heilbronn)
- Follow motorway A6 direction Mannheim
- At Hockenheim intersection turn off A6 and follow A61 direction Speyer
- Ar Speyer intersection (just after crossing river Rhein) turn off A61 and follow B9 direction Germersheim
- Leave B9 at exit Herxheim pass through Ruelzheim and Herxheimerweyer, always following direction Herxheim
- At easterly entrance to Herxheim, turn left at Volkswagen dealer direction "Industriegebiet"
- Turn left into road "Am Gäxwald"
- Look for the large antenna towers...
Parking and handicapped access
Parking directly in front of the building, also suitable for slightly larger vehicles (max. 40to).
Limited access for handicapped visitors (one step), door width sufficient. Unfortunately no WC for handicapped