WiMo Hausmesse
Debido a la situación actual de la pandemia COVID-19, desafortunadamente tenemos que cancelar la jornada 'Open House' de primavera. Lo sentimos mucho, pero estamos seguros de que esta medida encontrará su comprensión.
vy 73 y mantente sano!
del equipo de WiMo
General information on the open house exhibition at WiMo
The WiMo open house exhibition offers the opportunity to see the latest amateur radio technology and offer it for testing. There will be ample opportunity for technical discussions with other visitors, our staff and often also staff of radio manufacturers like Icom or Kenwood or Flexradio.
We will exhibit several antennas outdoors, so you can check them without hurry. A number of antennas (Beam, wide band, Verticals, Magnetic-Loop etc.) are permanently installed and are available in the exhibition room for device tests (only for listening, no transmission).
The highlight in the afternoon is the tombola. Every registered visitor automatically takes part in the raffle of many big and small prizes around amateur radio. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many sponsors, publishers and manufacturers who make some of the prizes available. The only important thing is that you are present for the raffle, simply giving the registration card to someone else is not possible :-)
WiMo organizes an open house exhibition twice a year, once in spring, once in autumn. As expected, the weather is better in spring, so this is also our barbecue party. That means that besides the usual regional delicacies there are also steaks and sausages from the grill ...
So the WiMo open house exhibition always offers a nice meeting point and opportunity to exchange ideas with other radio amateurs from near and far. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the WiMo Hausmesse exhibition.