Smarteq Mobile antenna radiator UHF 375-480 MHz

Smarteq Mobile antenna radiator UHF 375-480 MHz

26,50 €
TVA inclus, frais de port non inclus 22,27 €

En stock, expedié sous 2 à 3 jours


Contenu de la livraison

  • Radiateur mobile Smarteq
  • Clé Allen
  • Tableau de codification pour le radiateur 3100 ; EN, DE, SV
All removeable radiators by Smarteq have an M6 inner thread on the lower end and require a suitable base with M6 outer thread. The radiators are weathrproof and suitable for permanent outdoor usage on vehicles or fixed installations. As materials Smarteq uses stainless steel in most cases, sometimes plastic coated or protected by a glass fibre cover. Except for radiators 62008 and 62017 all radiators are black; 62008 is stainless steel without coating (WiMo product); article 62017 is stainless steel with coil and grey plastic coating.

Various radiators are supplied with a cutting table, these antennas must be cut to the proper length according to the intended operating frequency. The bandwidth of these radiators is approx. 2 to 10 MHz, depending on frequency. The usable bandwidth of other radiators is shown in the table below.

Comparaison des radiateurs Smarteq

Données techniques
Product Name 62006
Mono-/Multiband Mono bande
Marque Smarteq
Bandes supportées 70cm
Hauteur 76
Puissance maxi [W] 80 W
Polarisation Vertical
Type d'antenne Antenne omnidirectionnelle
Conception de l'antenne Antenne mobile
Connecteur M6 Filetage (intérieur)
Gain [dBi] (en espace libre) 5.1
Gain 432 MHz [dBi] 5.1
Conformément à la Réglementation Générale sur la Sécurité des Produits 2023/988 (UE)

Smarteq Antennas Kronborgsgränd 7, 164 46 Kista Sweden +46 (0) 8 792 92 00 [email protected]

Personne responsable:

Smarteq Antennas Kronborgsgränd 7, 164 46 Kista Sweden +46 (0) 8 792 92 00 [email protected]

Smarteq Mobile antenna radiator UHF 375-480 MHz
Smarteq Mobile antenna radiator UHF 375-480 MHz

Livraison rapide Consultation gratuite Paiement sécurisé

26,50 €
TVA inclus, frais de port non inclus 22,27 €

En stock, expedié sous 2 à 3 jours

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