Si l'on prévoit d'acheter un amplificateur de puissance (amplificateur d'émission), on est vite confronté à la question de savoir s'il faut utiliser un PA à tubes ou à transistors. Dans cet article, Ekki Plicht, DF4OR, met en lumière les avantages et les inconvénients de ces deux technologies.
Novembre 13, 2023 |
It is worthwhile not only for radio amateurs, but also times with the whole family to observe such shooting star showers optically. To do this, you should look for a place in the region that is as dark as possible. Unfortunately, the light pollution in densely populated areas is enormous, so it is difficult to find a place that is sufficiently dark. Helpful are maps on the Internet, which show the degree of light pollution, e.g. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info oder https://darksitefinder.com/. Or ask the local astronomy group, where they go for observation... No matter if you look at the shooting stars, listen to them or use them actively as reflectors - we wish you a lot of fun and "Clear Skies".
Mars 17, 2023
Comment se produit la corrosion et que peut-on faire pour protéger les mâts...
Mars 02, 2023
Ludwig, DH8SL teste la boucle Delta-11, avec un tuner d'antenne LDG RT-100. Voici son rapport de test...