DL8JJ Équipement radio pour les vacances

DL8JJ Équipement radio pour les vacances

Icom IC-7300 All Mode HF Transceiver
1 468,00 € 1 179,00 €
TVA inclus, frais de port non inclus 990,76 €

En stock, expedié sous 1 à 2 jours

Antennes G5RV / ZS6BKW par EAntenna
75,00 €
TVA inclus, frais de port non inclus 63,03 €

En stock, expedié sous 1 à 2 jours

Mât en fibre de verre 'Heavy Duty'
79,50 €
TVA inclus, frais de port non inclus 66,81 €

En stock, expedié sous 1 à 2 jours

En stock

The IC-7300 from ICOM in a bundle. Your ideal travel companion at an exclusive special price!

You don't want to give up your hobby when you're on vacation, do you? On the contrary, there is finally time for it!
The IC-7300 from ICOM is small enough to take along on a trip. And to make it fit with the antenna, the experienced and well known radio amateur DL8JJ has put together a bundle, which is well tested in practice and which we offer you here for a special price!
The IC-7300 offers as an easy-to-use SDR transceiver state-of-the-art technology. The easy to read LC display shows the spectrum of the respective band section, and at the same time it also serves as an input (touch display). It couldn't be simpler. With the built-in tuner, most antennas can be adjusted, even if you have to compromise on vacation.
As a very good vacation antenna DL8JJ recommends a small G5RV dipole for the bands 40 to 10m. This design has the advantage that you can hang it not only stretched, but also angled as inverted-V, sloper or similar. With 2x 7.25m length there is also a place for it at the vacation QTH.

In order to make the choice of mounting options even larger, it makes sense to take a small but robust portable mast with you. Here a model with approx. 10 m extended length offers itself. The center of the dipole can be mounted not quite at the top of the mast, but approx. in 8-8.5m height, there the mast is stiff enough. So you are well prepared for vacation adventures, even on shortwave.

Please note that you still need a coaxial cable with two PL connectors for operation, the length is not critical. In addition, short guy ropes for the antenna are useful, and possibly a belt to fix the lightweight portable mast to a fence post.

Données techniques
Product Name A bundle for everybody
Bandes supportées 40m, 20m, 10m
Poids transport [kg] 6,3 kg (Total weight for all items)
Conformément à la Réglementation Générale sur la Sécurité des Produits 2023/988 (UE)

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DL8JJ Équipement radio pour les vacances
DL8JJ Équipement radio pour les vacances

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