In a few clicks to the
installment payment
✓ 14 days right of withdrawal ✓ Contract directly with WiMo ✓ Low interest
✓ 14 days right of withdrawal
✓ Contract directly with WiMo
✓ Low interest

Do you know that feeling? You are looking for your new radio and finally you have found the desired product and decided. However, you do not want to spend a lot of money at once and would rather finance the purchase? With our new installment plan we offer you the installment purchase directly in our onlineshop. Simply choose your preferred monthly installment. We will send you your individual installment plan and take over the collection of the amounts by direct debit.

Start order process
Put the desired article into the shopping cart and click on "Checkout". To be able to choose payment by instalments, the minimum amount in the shopping cart must be more than 300 € and the monthly instalment must be more than 50 €. In the next step, log in with your customer profile or order as a guest by entering your address information. You can then select your preferred shipping method. Please note that installment payment is only available if the country of your billing address is "Germany".

Select payment method installment purchase
Select installment purchase from WiMo as payment method. If the amount in the shopping cart meets the required conditions, the terms 6, 12 and 24 months are available. Decide on your preferred installment plan. The conditions per term are: For 6 months minimum amount 300 €, for 12 months minimum amount 600 € and for 24 months minimum amount 1200 €. The maximum amount for payment in installments is 4100 €.

Finalize order
By entering your date of birth and your IBAN you can send the installment purchase. We only need this information for the approval process of the payment method. This data will not be stored in a customer profile. Clicking on "Check order" triggers a query to our service provider Real Solution. This query approves the installment purchase with the help of a SCHUFA query. After successful verification, you will be redirected to the success page in the online store. From here you can continue your purchase.

Goods and installment plan is delivered
The installment plan is automatically sent to you by e-mail. In the installment plan you will receive all information about the monthly installments, term, interest rate and collection date. With the successful credit check we will ship your goods according to the indicated delivery time. After shipping the goods will send you the installment plan by e-mail. The monthly installments will be collected from your account by direct debit as listed in the installment plan. The first installment will be debited 14 days after receipt of the goods. No special payments are possible.
General conditions

As possible terms for your installment purchase we offer you 6 months, 12 months and 24 months. Your individual installment plan will be sent to you by e-mail when the goods are dispatched. The monthly amounts will be debited from your account by direct debit 14 days after dispatch of the goods.

Billing adress
Currently we offer the payment method payment by instalments only for customers with a billing address in Germany. The Schufa test procedure used is currently only available for the German market. The delivery address is not decisive for the claim to payment by instalments.

Price and shopping cart
Payment by installments is available for shopping cart sizes greater than 300 € and less than 4100 €. In addition, the monthly installment amount must be greater than 50 €. The last monthly installment, which pays the remaining amount, is excluded from this. The effective annual interest rate and the total amount are shown under "More details" at the payment method.

The release for payment by installments is done by our partner Real Solution. This partner processes our creditworthiness inquiry via Schufa and assures us of payment by installments. A possible rejection of the installment purchase request is not equivalent to a bad credit rating. The reasons for a rejection are not apparent to us and can be many and varied.