Frequency range 3,5 — 54 MHz, 200W PEP, max. length 1,37mThe most often requested model, used when larger antennas are just that - too large. The lower section is just 40cm long and 4cm wide, the stainless steel whip has a length of 80cm. This makes this antenna very suitable for smaller cars, without too much negative impact on the overall view.The manufacturer says that you shouldn't be mislead by the small size of the antenna. In contrast to larger models it can be installed on a higher position on the car, yielding in a much better radiation and less earth losses.If the antenna is used with the optionally available 1.5m long LT-56 whip, you will see an improvement of approx. 3dB on 40m and about 5dB on 80m. The covered frequency range is approx. 3.4 to 30MHz with the long whip. Operation on clamps like the 20069.38 (see below) is possible.
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