Sia il Tripode che il mast (lungo o corto)sono disponibili separatamente cosi' che possono essere usati con qualunque antenna. Il tutto ti permettera' di disporre di un mast molto 'compatto' di lunghezza 240 o 480 cm. The mast has a 1/2′ NPT thread on top (cone shaped).Per il tripode , richiedere il n.o 11420.BPT per il mast corto (articolo 11420.BM) o il lungo(articolo 11420.BML). O entrambi?Buddipole Mast und Stativ sind sehr kompekt transportierbarDimensione e peso di Asta Buddipole e Tripode 11420.BM (Asta corto) 0.65 kg11420.BML (Asta lungo) 1.50 kg11420.BPT (Tripode) 1.85 kgDiametro Tubo 1 (in basso) 38.0mm (1 1/2″)Diametro Tubo 2 34.8mm (1 3/8″)Diametro Tubo 3 31.6mm (1 1/4″)Diametro Tubo 4 28.5mm (1 1/8″)Diametro Tubo 5 25.4mm ( 1″)Diametro Tubo 6 21.9mm ( 0 7/8″)Diametro Tubo 7 (in alto) 18.8mm ( 0 3/4″)Note: In 2009 Buddipole modified the mast. The new mast (from mid 2009 on) is thicker and does not fit in the old tripod! Of course the tripods have been modified as well.The currently sold bundles like Buddipole Deluxe include a new mast and a new, suitable tripod. But if you own an older tripod (before mid 2009) and want to buy a new mast, that will most likely not fit! Unfortunately we do not have a solution for this issue.If you have an older mast (pre 2009) and want to buy a new tripod you need a reduction piece to accomodate the old mast in the new tripod. Unfortunately Buddipole does not offer such a reduction piece.
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